Data encryption is a process of translating data into another format that is not readable unless someone with the possession of a secret key (called a decryption key). Encryption is one of the common practices for effectively securing the data. Encrypted data is a ciphertext that can be decrypted only...
Introduction: “Private Meets Public Blockchain” The connection between Aergo and Blocko; it’s really a symbiotic one. There’s a truth behind the partnership as this power couple is en route to revolutionizing one of the most compelling aspects of the space: Enterprise Blockchain. It’s uncanny that it’s not just a mere...
Currently, the global economy is undergoing the largest technological transformation in history, and new ‘‘disruptive innovation’’ is transforming economic activity by creating simplicity and accessibility. According to ARK’s research following technology breakthroughs will advance significantly over the coming year. The top 3 “Big Ideas” for 2019 are (1) Deep Learning...
Security token has been attracting a wealth of coverage in recent months. Traditional paper-backed assets such as a company’s shares or bonds suffer from poor liquidity, a lack of transparency, and are subject to a complex manual process when distributing profits or dividends. [inlinetweet]It is expected that within 5 years,...
In recent years, much of content marketing has shifted to video streaming. Thanks to YouTube which opened video expression to the masses and a new income source for content creators. Today the top video-content stars in YouTube (according to data by Forbes) earn up to $10 million annually. It is...
Blockchain (or distributed ledger) technology has the potential to drive innovation across a range of industries. The amount of people utilizing blockchain at the moment is relative to the number of people utilizing the internet in 1997, that is about 50-70 million users. As this technology continues to develop, the...
Harmony Introduction: The blockchain revolution is being compared to the Internet in the 1990s. Thousands of development hours have been invested in research with the aim of replacing our current economic system with one that is more secure and decentralized. Despite blockchain’s incredible potential, it is still plagued by the...
How centralized banking system looks? Let’s understand this complex traditional banking system by breaking it down layer-by-layer. Layer 1. Say Bob wants to pay Sasha 10$. Both hold an account with the same bank ‘Deutsche bank’. Since no money is leaving or entering the bank, they just have to update...
“Perlin Network is a practical, trustless and decentralized cloud computing marketplace” It leverages underutilized compute power in everyday smart-devices to make supercomputing economically viable and accessible globally. What is Cloud computing and growth prospects: Cloud computing is the practice of sharing a network of servers which are hosted on the internet...
Trying to break into the music industry is a very challenging task which gets the best of countless musicians. Many struggles to make valuable connections in the industry or to simply get people to listen to their music. This will change with Muzika and give the aspiring artist a fighting chance....