WWF Uses Blockchain To Track Food
World Wildlife Fund – Australia (WWF) announced today the launching of a blockchain-based application that allows anyone to track the food origins. A growing number of consumers want to know more about where the ingredients for their food come from. By using the tool – OpenSC, consumers can know exactly how sustainable the food is just by scanning a QR code with the phone.
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OpenSC is a blockchain-enabled food tracking platform developed jointly by WWF-Australia and BCG Digital Ventures (BCGDV) that allows you to track a product along with its entire supply chain. OpenSC uses blockchain technology to track individual products from origin to consumer.
The aim is to help businesses and consumers avoid illegal, environmentally-damaging, or unethical products while improving supply chain accountability and transparency.
Here’s how. Consumers can use OpenSC to learn more about the products they purchase.

A simple example of the product in action is wild-caught Patagonian toothfish. By simply scanning the product QR code with a smartphone camera, OpenSC will show where the fish was caught, how it journeyed along the supply chain, and importantly does it comes from a certified sustainable fishery and was not caught inside an established marine protected area.
OR when ordering fish at the restaurant, You can ask the waiter to show the fillet before they prepare your meal, scan the QR code with your smartphone and you can find out about the entire journey fish has taken – from bait to plate – and make sure it’s sustainable and ethical.