Giorgi Mikhelidze

I'm a crypto investor and software developer from Georgia. With a big love for all things blockchain, I've been trading cryptos for 2 years now and have been writing crypto educational and news post.

According to reports from local media, there are many strict measures taken by the authorities to break down bitcoin miners in Baoshan in Yunnan province in China. The recent move of the authorities was an order to the city’s power suppliers to shut it off, in order to prevent bitcoin...

  • December 9, 2020

One of the main subjects that concern both crypto miners and traders is cryptocurrency taxation. One sector that creates a lot of outrage among taxpayers is the presence of value-added tax, VAT, and also tax levies on goods and services. One of the latest countries that have made crypto-fiat transactions...

  • December 7, 2020

As the pandemic continues and the world becomes more digital, traditional sports betting faces lots of challenges. The covid-19-related restrictions had a bad impact on the physical sports industry. Most of the planned sports tournaments and major events have been canceled on delay and therefore, the number of people taking...

  • December 3, 2020

There are generally three ways through which an individual can get cryptocurrency. It can be bought, mined, and earned through the sales of goods and services. The easiest way is buying from a crypto exchange. Many crypto exchanges are unregulated, which attracts a lot of fraud and theft. In Malaysia,...

  • December 1, 2020

As the years go by, blockchain technology continues to gain more popularity among countries and institutions. Although it has been going through a lot of bumps during the past few years, it is, however, being adopted in many developing countries, despite their reluctance to do so. Its characteristics of transparency...

  • November 30, 2020

As the world becomes more globalized today, the popularity of cryptocurrencies rises daily because it’s the best way for people in one country to do business with people in another. Years ago it was necessary to use third party websites to transact money because most of the financial companies blocked...

  • November 19, 2020

Crypto trading was once regarded as a doomed endeavor. While forex trading, like stocks and bonds trading, is already very well rooted within the financial world and has international support and acknowledgment, cryptocurrency has been struggling with establishing itself on the market as a legit currency, let alone getting into the...

  • March 3, 2020

Cryptocurrency trading is almost at its peak already, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that we’re where we want to be in terms of volume. In the past, there were quite a lot of reasons as to why the volume was simply not sufficient enough. There were serious market slumps, not...

  • January 29, 2020

Initial Coin Offerings aka ICOs have been around ever since the blockchain was first developed. For those who don’t know, an ICO is a blockchain company putting their cryptocurrencies up for sale. This usually institutes thousands of traders buying as many coins as humanly possible from the company in hopes...

  • December 26, 2019